As the photos clearly show, it takes a large number of middle-aged people with sticks, a very large crane, a minimum of A.M. alcoholism, and a steady hand on the digital camera.
1) Deep heavy is it? (The answer turned out to be 29,500 lbs., 500 lbs. less than the skipper had guessed to satisfy a space on a form.)
2) You don't say? This calls for more deep thought.
3) Right. Raise high the chalice!
4) A quick look confirms the anti-foul seems to have worked.
5) The push-stick, the steel boat and the tourist trap: A senseless conflation of photographic composition, really.
6) This single individual is doing almost none of the lifting. Quite something, physics, isn't it?
7) Safely down, and nothing damaged. Anxiety....receding....