Because the pace of work this winter was slow due to my occupation and some prolonged and poorly timed (from my point of view) winter weather, we are staying "on the hard" for a year.
The decision to leave the boat on land is in order to do things like pull out the tanks, pull the prop, get lots of welding done and to rebuilt the aft cabin.
So on Saturday, May 2, instead of getting launched with the other 200-plus yachts in my club, I drove a powerboat on "safety patrol", in case someone fell off the seawall into the short channel that links Toronto Harbour with Lake Ontario, and then I got called to help move my boat. Did I help? I pushed the cradle a bit, but the 100-foot tall crane did all the work!
It took a little fine-tuning, but we put her down easily, and my stern has plenty of space in which to remove the rudder, pull the shaft and other manly tasks. You can find me in the yard...just follow the swearing that has an echo.
I'm very privileged to have access to a second boat for those days when it's just too nice to rustproof steel or figure out polarity...so I will get out sailing this summer. There's also a 10 foot nesting dinghy that requires multiple falling-out-ofs ... once the water is warmer.
Now I have to figure out how to get enough electricity aboard to keep the fridge running. I'm a simple man, not a barbarian.